Source code for yaml_config.elements

import copy
import inspect
import pathlib
import re
import textwrap
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

import yc_yaml as yaml
# A modified pyyaml library
from yc_yaml import representer

# This module defines a set of constructs for strictly defining configuration
# objects that get their data from Yaml files. It allows for the general (
# though not complete) flexibility of Yaml/Json, while giving the program
# using it assurance that the types and structure of the configuration
# parameters brought in are what is to be expected. Configuration objects
# generated by this library can be merged in a predictable way. Example
# configurations can automatically be generated, as can configurations
# already filled out with the given values.

class RequiredError(ValueError):

class ConfigDict(dict):
    """Since we enforce field names that are also valid python names, we can
    build this dict that allows for getting and setting keys like attributes.

    The following marks this class as having dynamic attributes for IDE
    def __getattr__(self, key):
        if key in self:
            return super().__getitem__(key)
            return super().__getattribute__(key)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if key in self:
            super().__setitem__(key, value)
            super().__setattr__(key, value)

    def copy(self):
        return ConfigDict(**self)

class NullList(list):
    """A list with no extra attributes other than the fact that it is a
    distinct class from 'list'. We'll use this to tell the difference
    between an empty list and a list that implicitly defined."""

    def copy(self):
        """When we copy this list, make sure it returns another NullList. The
        base list class probably should have probably done it this way."""
        return self.__class__(self)

# Tell yaml how to represent a ConfigDict (as a dictionary).
    lambda s, d: representer.SafeRepresenter.represent_str(s, str(d)))

# This is a dummy for type analyzers
def _post_validator(siblings, value):
    # Just using the variables to clear analyzer complaints
    return siblings[value]

[docs]class ConfigElement: """The base class for all other element types. :cvar type: The type object used to type-check, and convert if needed, the values loaded by YAML. This must be defined. :cvar type_converter: A function that, given a generic value of unknown type, will convert it into the type expected by this ConfigElement. If this is None, the type object itself is used instead. :cvar _type_name: The name of the type, if different from type.__name__. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta type = None type_converter = None _type_name = None # The regular expression that all element names are matched against. _NAME_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$') # We use the representer functions in this to consistently represent # certain types _representer = yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter()
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, default=None, required=False, hidden=False, _sub_elem=None, choices=None, post_validator=None, help_text=""): """Most ConfigElement child classes take all of these arguments, and just add a few of their own. :param str name: The name of this configuration element. Required if this is a key in a KeyedElem. Will receive a descriptive default otherwise. :param default: The default value if no value is retrieved from a config file. :param bool required: When validating a config file, a RequiredError will be thrown if there is no value for this element. *NULL does not count as a value.* :param hidden: Hidden elements are ignored when writing out the config (or example configs). They can still be set by the user. :param list choices: A optional sequence of values that this type will accept. :param post_validator post_validator: A optional post validation function for this element. See the Post-Validation section in the online documentation for more info. :param Union(ConfigElement, None) _sub_elem: The ConfigElement contained within this one, such as for ListElem definitions. Meant to be set by subclasses if needed, never the user. Names are optional for all sub-elements, and will be given sane defaults. :param ConfigElement _sub_elem: The ConfigElement instance that describes the underlying types for this config item. Mostly used by sub-classes. :raises ValueError: May raise a value error for invalid configuration options. """ if name is not None: self._validate_name(name) = name self.required = required self.hidden = hidden if self.hidden and (default is None and self.required): raise ValueError( "You must set a default for required, hidden Config Elements.") self._choices = choices self.help_text = help_text # Run this validator on the field data (and all data at this level # and lower) when # validating if not hasattr(self, 'post_validator'): self.post_validator = post_validator # The type name is usually pulled straight from the type's __name__ # attribute This overrides that, when not None if self._type_name is None: self._type_name = self.type.__name__ # Several ConfigElement types have a sub_elem. This adds an empty # one at the top level so we can have methods that work with it at # this level too. if _sub_elem is not None: if inspect.isclass(_sub_elem): raise ValueError( "Sub-element of '{0}' must be a Config Element instance " "of some kind. Got a class instead: {1}" .format( if is not None else self, _sub_elem)) elif not isinstance(_sub_elem, ConfigElement): raise ValueError( "Sub-elements must be a config element of some kind. " "Got: {}" .format(_sub_elem)) self._sub_elem = _sub_elem # Set the sub-element names if needed. self._set_sub_elem_names() # The default value gets validated through a setter function. self._default = None if default is not None: self.default = default
def _set_sub_elem_names(self): """Names are optional for sub-elements. If one isn't given, this sets a reasonable default so that we can tell where errors came from.""" # We can't set names on the sub_elem if we have neither if self._sub_elem is None or is None: return # The * isn't super obvious, but it matches the 'find' syntax. if is None: = '{}.*'.format( # Recursively set names on sub-elements of sub-elements. self._sub_elem._set_sub_elem_names()
[docs] def _check_range(self, value): """Make sure the value is in the given list of choices. Throws a ValueError if not. The value of *self.choices* doesn't matter outside of this method. :returns: None :raises ValueError: When out of range.""" if self._choices and value not in self._choices: raise ValueError( "Value '{}' not in the given choices {} for {} called '{}'." .format( value, self._choices, self.__class__.__name__, ))
@property def default(self): return copy.copy(self._default) @default.setter def default(self, value): self.validate(value) self._default = value def normalize(self, value): """Recursively normalize the given value to the expected type. :raises TypeError: If the type conversion fails. """ if not isinstance(value, self.type): if value is None: return None try: converter = self.type if self.type_converter is not None: converter = self.type_converter value = converter(value) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Incorrect type for {} field {}: {}" .format(self.__class__.__name__,, value)) return value
[docs] def validate(self, value, partial=False): """Validate the given value, and return the validated form. :returns: The value, converted to this type if needed. :raises ValueError: if the value is out of range. :raises RequiredError: if the value is required, but missing. """ if value is None: if self._default is not None: value = self._default elif self.required and not partial: raise RequiredError( "Config missing required value for {} named {}." .format(self.__class__.__name__, else: return None self._check_range(value) return value
[docs] def make_comment(self, width, show_choices=True, show_name=True): """Create a comment for this configuration element. :param int width: The wrap-width of the comments :param show_name: Whether to show the name of this element. :param show_choices: Whether to include the valid choices for this item in the help comments. :returns: A comment string.""" if is None: name = '' else: name = comment = '{name}({required}{type}){colon} {help}'.format( name=name if show_name else '', required='required ' if self.required else '', type=self._type_name, colon=':' if self.help_text else '', help=self.help_text, ) comment = textwrap.wrap(comment, width) if show_choices and self._choices: choices_doc = self._choices_doc() if choices_doc is not None: comment.append(choices_doc) return '\n'.join(comment)
def find(self, dotted_key): """Find the element matching the given dotted key. This is useful for retrieving elements to use their help_text or defaults. Dotted keys look like normal property references, except that the names of the sub-element for Lists or Collections are given as a '*', since they don't have an explicit name. An empty string always returns this element. Examples: :: class Config2(yc.YamlConfigLoader): ELEMENTS = [ yc.ListElem('cars', sub_elem=yc.KeyedElem(elements=[ yc.StrElem('color'), yc.StrElem('make'), yc.IntElem('year'), yc.CollectionElem( 'accessories', sub_elem=yc.KeyedElem(elements=[ yc.StrElem('floor_mats') ]) ] ] config = Config2() config.find('cars.*.color') :param str dotted_key: The path to the sought for element. :returns ConfigElement: The found Element. :raises KeyError: If the element cannot be found. """ raise NotImplementedError("Implemented by individual elements.") def yaml_events(self, value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): """Returns the yaml events to represent this config item. :param comment_width: :param value: The value of this config element. May be None. :param int show_comments: Whether or not to include comments. :param show_choices: Whether or not to show the choices string in the comments. :param int comment_width: Width at which we wrap comments. """ raise NotImplementedError( "When defining a new element type, you must define " "how to turn it (and any sub elements) into a list of " "yaml events.") def _choices_doc(self): """Returns a list of strings documenting the available choices and type for this item. This may also return None, in which cases choices will never be given.""" return 'Choices: ' + ', '.join(map(str, self._choices)) def _validate_name(self, name): if name != name.lower(): raise ValueError( "Invalid name for config field {} called {}. Names must " "be lowercase".format(self.__class__.__name__, name)) if self._NAME_RE.match(name) is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid name for config field {} called {}. Names must " "start with a letter, and be composed of only letters, " "numbers, and underscores." .format(self.__class__.__name__, name)) def _represent(self, value): """Give the yaml representation for this type. Since we're not representing generic python objects, we only need to do this for scalars.""" return value def _run_post_validator(self, elem, siblings, value): """Finds and runs the post validator for the given element. :param ConfigElement elem: The config element to run post_validation on. :param siblings: The siblings """ # Don't run post-validation on non-required fields that don't have a # value. # if not elem.required and value is None: # return None try: if elem.post_validator is not None: return elem.post_validator(siblings, value) local_pv_name = 'post_validate_{}'.format( if hasattr(self, local_pv_name): getattr(self, local_pv_name)(siblings, value) else: # Just return the value if there was no post-validation. return value except ValueError as err: # Reformat any ValueErrors to point to where this happened. raise ValueError("Error in post-validation of {} called '{}' " "with value '{}': {}" .format(elem.__class__.__name__,, value, err)) def merge(self, old, new): """Merge the new values of this entry into the existing one. For most types, the old values are simply replaced. For complex types ( lists, dicts), the behaviour varies.""" return new def __repr__(self): return "<yaml_config {} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
class ScalarElem(ConfigElement): def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, _sub_elem=None, **kwargs) def _represent(self, value): """ We use the built in yaml representation system to 'serialize' scalars. :returns (value, tag)""" # Use the representer from yaml to handle this properly. node = self._representer.represent_data(value) return node.value, node.tag def yaml_events(self, value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): # Get our serialized representation of value, and return it as a # ScalarEvent. tag = None if value is not None: value, tag = self._represent(value) return [yaml.ScalarEvent(value=value, anchor=None, tag=tag, implicit=(True, True))] def find(self, dotted_key): if dotted_key != '': raise KeyError("Scalars don't have sub-elements, so the only " "valid find string is '' for them.") return self def set_default(self, dotted_key, value): # We call this just to throw the error for an invalid key. self.find(dotted_key) self.validate(value) self._default = value
[docs]class IntElem(ScalarElem): """An integer configuration element.""" type = int
[docs]class FloatElem(ScalarElem): """A float configuration element.""" type = float
class RangeElem(ScalarElem): def __init__(self, name=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ :param vmin: The minimum value for this element, inclusive. :param vmax: The max value, inclusive. """ super(RangeElem, self).__init__(name=name, choices=[vmin, vmax], **kwargs) def _choices_doc(self): if self._choices == (None, None): return None elif self._choices[0] is None: return 'Valid Range: < {}'.format(self._choices[1]) elif self._choices[1] is None: return 'Valid Range: > {}'.format(self._choices[0]) else: return 'Valid Range: {} - {}'.format(*self._choices) def _check_range(self, value): if self._choices[0] is not None and value <= self._choices[0]: raise ValueError("Value {} in {} below minimum ({}).".format( value,, self._choices[0] )) if self._choices[1] is not None and value >= self._choices[1]: raise ValueError("Value {} in {} above maximum ({}).".format( value,, self._choices[1] ))
[docs]class IntRangeElem(IntElem, RangeElem): """An int element with range validation.""" pass
[docs]class FloatRangeElem(FloatElem, RangeElem): """A float with range validation.""" pass
[docs]class BoolElem(ScalarElem): """A boolean element. YAML automatically translates many strings into boolean values.""" type = bool
[docs]class StrElem(ScalarElem): """A basic string element.""" type = str
class PathElem(ScalarElem): """An element that always expects a filesystem path.""" type = pathlib.Path
[docs]class RegexElem(StrElem): """Just like a string item, but validates against a regex."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, regex='', **kwargs): """ :param regex: A regular expression string to match against. """ self.regex = re.compile(regex) super(RegexElem, self).__init__(name=name, choices=[regex], **kwargs)
def _check_range(self, value): if self.regex.match(value) is None: raise ValueError( "Value {} does not match regex '{}' for {} called '{}'".format( value, self._choices[0], self.__class__.__name__, )) def _choices_doc(self): return "Values must match: r'{regex}'".format(regex=self._choices[0])
[docs]class ListElem(ConfigElement): """A list of configuration items. All items in the list must be the same ConfigElement type. Configuration inheritance appends new, unique items to these lists. A shortcut is allowed in the interpretation of lists, such that a single value is interpreted as a single valued list. Each of the following is valid. :: colors: red colors: [red, yellow, green] colors: - red - yellow - blue However, if the sub-element is another list, the lists must always be explicit. :: collections: - [quarter, dime, nickel] - [thing1, thing2, thing3] collections: [[quarter, dime, nickel], [thing1, thing2, thing3] When dumping configs, the lists are always given explicitly. """ type = list type_name = 'list of items'
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, sub_elem=None, min_length=0, max_length=None, defaults=None, **kwargs): """ :param sub_elem: A ConfigItem that each item in the list must conform to. :param min_length: The minimum number of items allowed, inclusive. Default: 0 :param max_length: The maximum number of items allowed, inclusive. None denotes unlimited. :param [] defaults: Defaults on a list are items that are added to the list if no items are explicitly added. """ if defaults is None: defaults = NullList() if min_length < 0: raise ValueError("min_length must be a positive integer.") self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length super(ListElem, self).__init__(name=name, _sub_elem=sub_elem, default=defaults, **kwargs)
def _check_range(self, value): """Make sure our list is within the appropriate length range.""" vlen = len(value) if vlen < self.min_length: return False if self.max_length is None or vlen <= self.max_length: return True else: return False def normalize(self, value): """Lists with a value of None remain as None, and empty lists stay empty. Single values, however, become a list of that value. All contained value are recursively normalized.""" if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, self.type): return [self._sub_elem.normalize(v) for v in value] else: return [self._sub_elem.normalize(value)] def validate(self, raw_values, partial=False): """Just like the parent function, except converts None to an empty list, and single values of other types into the subtype for this list. Subvalues are recursively validated against the subitem type (whose name is ignored). :param list raw_values: A list of values to validate and add. :param bool partial: Ignore 'required' """ if raw_values is None: return self.default.copy() values = self.type() for val in raw_values: values.append(self._sub_elem.validate(val, partial=partial)) if not self._check_range(values): raise ValueError( "Expected [{}-{}] list items for {} field {}, got {}." .format( self.min_length, self.max_length if self.max_length is not None else 'inf', self.__class__.__name__,, len(values))) for i in range(len(values)): values[i] = self._run_post_validator(self._sub_elem, values, values[i]) if self.required and not (partial or values): raise RequiredError("Required ListElem '{}' is empty." .format( return values def _choices_doc(self): return "May contain {min} - {max} items.".format( min=self.min_length, max=self.max_length if self.max_length is not None else 'inf' ) def find(self, dotted_key): if dotted_key == '': return self else: parts = dotted_key.split('.', maxsplit=1) key = parts[0] next_key = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else '' if key != '*': raise KeyError( "Invalid dotted key for {} called '{}'. List elements " "must have their element name given as a *, since it's " "sub-element isn't named. Got '{}' from '{}' instead." .format(self.__class__.__name__,, key, dotted_key)) return self._sub_elem.find(next_key) def yaml_events(self, value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): events = list() events.append(yaml.SequenceStartEvent( anchor=None, tag=None, implicit=True, flow_style=False, )) if show_comments: comment = self._sub_elem.make_comment(width=comment_width, show_choices=show_choices, show_name=False) events.append(yaml.CommentEvent(value=comment)) if value is not None: # Value is expected to be a list of items at this point. for v in value: events.extend( self._sub_elem.yaml_events(v, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=comment_width)) else: events.extend( self._sub_elem.yaml_events(None, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=comment_width )) events.append(yaml.SequenceEndEvent()) return events def merge(self, old, new): """When merging lists, a new list simply replaces the old list, unless the new list is empty.""" # Don't override with an empty list that was defined implicitly. if ((not new and isinstance(new, NullList)) or new is None): if old is None: return list() else: return old return new.copy()
# TODO: Make this worthwhile class CodeElem(ListElem): """Like a list config item, except the subtype is always string, and the subitems are considered to be a single group. Useful for config sections that are really lines of code or documentation.""" type = list type_name = 'code block' def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): subtype = StrElem(name='code_line') super(CodeElem, self).__init__(name, sub_elem=subtype, **kwargs) def normalize(self, value): return value def validate(self, lines, partial=False): lines = [self._sub_elem.validate(line, partial) for line in lines if line is not None] code_block = '\n'.join(lines).strip() if not code_block.endswith('\n'): code_block += '\n' self._analyze(code_block) return code_block def _analyze(self, code): """This to be overridden to run a syntax validator for the given code. By default, it does nothing. :raises ValueError: Any errors raised in validation should be converted to ValueErrors. """ pass # try: # analyzer.analyze(code_block) # except Exception as err: # raise ValueError(err) def yaml_events(self, value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): """Treat each line a separate list element.""" if value is not None: lines = value.split('\n') else: lines = None return super(CodeElem, self).yaml_events(lines, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=comment_width, )
[docs]class DerivedElem(ConfigElement): """The value is derived from the values of other elements. This is only valid when used as an element in a KeyedElem (or YamlConfigLoader), trying to use it elsewhere will raise an exception (It simply doesn't make sense anywhere else). Resolution of this element is deferred until after all non-derived elements are resolved. All derived elements are then resolved in the order they were listed. This resolution is performed by a function, which can be given either: - As the 'resolver' argument to __init__ - The 'resolve' method of this class - The 'resolve_<name>' method of the parent KeyedElem or YamlConfigLoader class. This function is expected to take one positional argument, which is the dictionary of validated values from the KeyedElem so far. """ def __init__(self, name, resolver=None, **kwargs): if name is None: raise ValueError("Derived Elements must be named.") if resolver is not None: self.resolve = resolver super(DerivedElem, self).__init__(name=name, _sub_elem=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def resolve(self, siblings): """A resolver function gets a dictionary of its returned sibling's values, and should return the derived value. A resolver passed as an argument to DerivedElem's __init__ should have the same signature ( without the self). :param {} siblings: The dictionary of validated values from the keyed element that this is a part of. :returns: The derived element value """ return None
def find(self, dotted_key): if dotted_key != '': raise ValueError( "Invalid key '{0}' for {1} called '{2}'. Since {1} don't have" "sub-elements, the key must be '' by this point." .format(dotted_key, self.__class__.__name__, return self def yaml_events(self, value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): """Derived elements are never written to file.""" return [] def set_default(self, dotted_key, value): raise RuntimeError("You can't set defaults on derived elements.")
class _DictElem(ConfigElement): result_dict_type = ConfigDict KC_LOWER = 'lower' KC_UPPER = 'upper' KC_MIXED = 'mixed' def __init__(self, key_case=None, **kwargs): if key_case is None: key_case = self.KC_LOWER if key_case not in (self.KC_LOWER, self.KC_UPPER, self.KC_MIXED): raise ValueError( "Invalid key case. Expected one of <cls>.KC_LOWER, " "<cls>.KC_UPPER, <cls>.KC_MIXED") self._key_case = key_case super(_DictElem, self).__init__(**kwargs) def find(self, value): raise NotImplementedError def validate(self, value, partial=False): raise NotImplementedError def _key_check(self, values_dict): """Raises a KeyError if keys don't match the key regex, or there are duplicates. Keys are converted to upper, lower, or left in their original case depending on 'self._key_case'. :param {} values_dict: The dictionary to check. """ if not isinstance(values_dict, dict): raise ValueError( "Invalid values ({}) for element {}" .format(values_dict, # Check for duplicate keys. keys = defaultdict(lambda: []) for key in values_dict.keys(): if self._key_case is self.KC_LOWER: key_mod = key.lower() elif self._key_case is self.KC_UPPER: key_mod = key.upper() else: key_mod = key keys[key_mod].append(key) if self._NAME_RE.match(key_mod) is None: raise KeyError( "Invalid key '{}' in {} called {}. Key does not match " "expected regular expression '{}'" .format(key_mod, self.__class__.__name__,, self._NAME_RE.pattern)) for k_list in keys.values(): if len(k_list) != 1: raise KeyError("Duplicate keys given {} in {} called {}. (" "Keys in this config object are automatically " "converted to {}case." .format(k_list, self.__class__.__name__,, self._key_case))
[docs]class KeyedElem(_DictElem): """A dictionary configuration item with predefined keys that may have non-uniform types. The valid keys are are given as ConfigItem objects, with their names being used as the key name.""" type = ConfigDict
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, elements=None, key_case=_DictElem.KC_LOWER, **kwargs): """ :param key_case: Must be one of the <cls>.KC_* values. Determines whether keys are automatically converted to lower or upper case, or left alone. :param elements: This list of config elements is also forms the list of accepted keys, with the being the key. """ self.config_elems = OrderedDict() if elements is None: elements = [] super(KeyedElem, self).__init__(name=name, key_case=key_case, **kwargs) for i in range(len(elements)): self.add_element(elements[i])
def add_element(self, elem): # Make sure each sub-element has a usable name that can be used # as a key.. if is None: raise ValueError( "In KeyedConfig item ({}), subitem {} has name of None." .format( if is not None else '<unnamed>', elem)) # Make sure derived elements have a resolver defined somewhere. if isinstance(elem, DerivedElem): self._find_resolver(elem) self.config_elems[] = elem def _find_resolver(self, elem): """Find the resolver function for the given DerivedElem. Try the elem.resolve method first, then look for a 'get_<>' method next. Raises a ValueError on failure.""" if elem.resolve is not None: return elem.resolve elif hasattr(self, 'resolve_' + return getattr(self, 'resolve_' + else: raise ValueError( "Could not find resolver for derived element '{}' in {} " "called {}." .format(, self.__class__.__name__, def find(self, dotted_key): if dotted_key == '': return self else: parts = dotted_key.split('.', maxsplit=1) key = parts[0] next_key = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else '' if key not in self.config_elems: raise KeyError( "Invalid dotted key for {} called '{}'. KeyedElem " "element names must be in the defined keys. " "Got '{}' from '{}', but valid keys are {}" .format(self.__class__.__name__,, key, dotted_key, self.config_elems.keys())) return self.config_elems[key].find(next_key) find.__doc__ = ConfigElement.find.__doc__ def merge(self, old, new): base = old.copy() for key, value in new.items(): base[key] = self.config_elems[key].merge(old[key], new[key]) return base def normalize(self, values): """None remains None. Everything else is recursively normalized by their element objects. Unknown keys and non-dict 'values' result in an error. :param dict values: The dict of values to normalize. :raises KeyError: For unknown keys. :raises TypeError: if values isn't a dict. """ if values is None: return None if not isinstance(values, dict): raise TypeError("Config element '{}' is expected to be" "a dict/mapping, but got '{}'" .format(, values)) ndict = self.type() for key, value in values.items(): elem = self.config_elems.get(key, None) if elem is None: raise TypeError( "Invalid config key '{}' given under {} called '{}." .format(key, self.__class__.__name__, ) ndict[key] = elem.normalize(value) return ndict def validate(self, values, partial=False): """Ensure the given values conform to the config specification. Also adds any derived element values. :param dict values: The dictionary of values to validate. :param bool partial: Ignore 'required'. :returns dict: The validated and type converted value dict. :raises TypeError: if type conversion can't occur. :raises ValueError: When the value is not within range. :raises RequiredError: When a required value is missing. :raises KeyError: For duplicate or malformed keys. """ if values is None: if self.required and not partial: raise RequiredError("Missing required KeyedElem '{}' in " "config.".format( values = self.type() self._key_check(values) # Change the key case. for key in values.keys(): if self._key_case == self.KC_LOWER: new_key = key.lower() elif self._key_case == self.KC_UPPER: new_key = key.upper() else: continue if key != new_key: values[new_key] = values[key] del values[key] derived_elements = [] for key, elem in self.config_elems.items(): if isinstance(elem, DerivedElem): derived_elements.append(elem) else: # Validate each of the subkeys in this dict. values[key] = self.config_elems[key].validate( values.get(key), partial=partial, ) # Handle any derived elements for elem in derived_elements: values[] = self._find_resolver(elem)(values) # Run custom post validation against each key, if given. for key, elem in self.config_elems.items(): values[key] = self._run_post_validator(elem, values, values[key]) return values def yaml_events(self, values, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): if values is None: values = dict() events = list() events.append(yaml.MappingStartEvent(anchor=None, tag=None, implicit=True)) for key, elem in self.config_elems.items(): if elem.hidden: continue # Don't output anything for Derived Elements if isinstance(elem, DerivedElem): continue value = values.get(key, None) if show_comments: comment = elem.make_comment(width=comment_width, show_choices=show_choices) events.append(yaml.CommentEvent(value=comment)) # Add the mapping key events.append(yaml.ScalarEvent(value=key, anchor=None, tag=None, implicit=(True, True))) # Add the mapping value events.extend(elem.yaml_events(value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=comment_width, )) events.append(yaml.MappingEndEvent()) return events
[docs]class CategoryElem(_DictElem): """A dictionary config item where all the keys must be of the same type, but the key values themselves do not have to be predefined. The possible keys may still be restricted with the choices argument.""" type = ConfigDict
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, sub_elem=None, defaults=None, key_case=_DictElem.KC_LOWER, **kwargs): """ :param name: The name of this Config Element :param sub_elem: The type all keys in this mapping must conform to. :param choices: The possible keys for this element. None denotes that any are valid. :param required: Whether this element is required. :param defaults: An optional dictionary of default key:value pairs. :param key_case: Must be one of the <cls>.KC_* values. Determines whether keys are automatically converted to lower or upper case, or left alone. :param help_text: Description of the purpose and usage of this element. """ if defaults is None: defaults = dict() if isinstance(sub_elem, DerivedElem): raise ValueError( "Using a derived element as the sub-element in a CategoryElem " "does not make sense.") self._sub_elem = sub_elem super(CategoryElem, self).__init__(name=name, _sub_elem=sub_elem, key_case=key_case, default=defaults, **kwargs)
def normalize(self, values): """Make sure values is a dict, and recursively normalize the contained keys. Returns None if values is None. :param dict values: """ if values is None: return None out_dict = self.type() if not isinstance(values, dict): raise TypeError("Expected a dict/mapping for key '{}', got '{}'." .format(, values)) for key, value in values.items(): out_dict[key] = self._sub_elem.normalize(value) return out_dict def validate(self, value_dict, partial=False): """Check the keys, and validate each value against the sub-elements validator.""" if value_dict is None: if self.required and not partial: raise RequiredError("Missing CategoryElem '{}' in config." .format( value_dict = {} out_dict = self.type() # Pre-fill our output dictionary with hard coded defaults. if self._default is not None: for key, value in self._default: out_dict[key] = value # Change the key case. for key in value_dict.keys(): if self._key_case == self.KC_LOWER: new_key = key.lower() elif self._key_case == self.KC_UPPER: new_key = key.upper() else: continue if key != new_key: value_dict[new_key] = value_dict[key] del value_dict[key] for key, value in value_dict.items(): if self._choices is not None and key not in self._choices: raise ValueError( "Invalid key for {} called {}. '{}' not in given choices.") validated_value = self._sub_elem.validate(value, partial=partial) # Merge the validated values with the defaults from the hard # coded defaults if present. if key in out_dict: out_dict[key] = self._sub_elem.merge(out_dict[key], validated_value) else: out_dict[key] = validated_value # Make sure the keys are sane self._key_check(value_dict) for key, value in out_dict.items(): out_dict[key] = self._run_post_validator(self._sub_elem, out_dict, value) return out_dict def merge(self, old, new): base = old.copy() for key, value in new.items(): if key in old: base[key] = self._sub_elem.merge(old[key], new[key]) else: base[key] = new[key] return base def find(self, dotted_key): if dotted_key == '': return self else: parts = dotted_key.split('.', maxsplit=1) key = parts[0] next_key = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else '' if key != '*': raise KeyError( "Invalid dotted key for {} called '{}'. CategoryElem" "must have their element name given as a *, since it's " "sub-element isn't named. Got '{}' from '{}' instead." .format(self.__class__.__name__,, key, dotted_key)) return self._sub_elem.find(next_key) def yaml_events(self, values, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=80): """Create a mapping event list, based on the values given.""" if values is None: values = dict() events = list() events.append(yaml.MappingStartEvent(anchor=None, tag=None, implicit=True)) if show_comments: comment = self._sub_elem.make_comment( width=comment_width, show_choices=show_choices, show_name=False) events.append(yaml.CommentEvent(value=comment)) if values: for key, value in values.items(): # Add the mapping key. events.append(yaml.ScalarEvent(value=key, anchor=None, tag=None, implicit=(True, True))) # Add the mapping value. events.extend( self._sub_elem.yaml_events( value, show_comments, show_choices, comment_width=comment_width )) events.append(yaml.MappingEndEvent()) return events
class DefaultedCategoryElem(CategoryElem): """This allows you to create a category with user defined defaults. It's essentially a category element with a KeyedElem as the sub-element. If the '__default__' key is present, values from that dict act as defaults for the others. The elements of the '__default__' key are all considered optional, regardless of whether they are marked as required or not. Example: :: import yaml_config as yc cars = yc.DefaultedElement(elements=[ yc.IntElem('wheels', required=True), yc.StrElem('drivetrain', required=True, default='2WD'), yc.StrElem('color') ] results = cars.validate({ '__default__': { 'wheels': 4, 'color': 'red'}, 'jeep': { 'color': 'blue', 'drivetrain': '4WD'}, 'reliant_robin': { 'wheels': 3} }) print('Should print 4: ', """ def __init__(self, name=None, elements=None, default_key='_', **kwargs): """ :param elements: A list of ConfigElement instances, just like for a KeyedElem. :param default_key: The key to use for default values. """ self.default_key = default_key super(DefaultedCategoryElem, self).__init__(name=name, sub_elem=KeyedElem( elements), **kwargs) def validate(self, value_dict, partial=False): out_dict = self.result_dict_type() # Make sure the keys are sane self._key_check(value_dict) defaults = {} if self.default_key in value_dict: defaults = value_dict[self.default_key] del value_dict[self.default_key] # Prefill our output dictionary with hard coded defaults. if self._default is not None: for key, value in self._default: out_dict[key] = value for key, base_value in value_dict.items(): key = key.lower() if self._choices is not None and key not in self._choices: raise ValueError( "Invalid key for {} called {}. '{}' not in given choices.") # Use the defaults from self.DEFAULT_KEY as the base for each value. value = defaults.copy() # We know our sub-element is a dict in this case. value.update(base_value) validated_value = self._sub_elem.validate(value, partial) # Merge the validated values with the defaults from the hard # coded defaults if present. if key in out_dict: out_dict[key] = self._sub_elem.merge(out_dict[key], validated_value) else: out_dict[key] = validated_value for key, value in out_dict.items(): out_dict[key] = self._run_post_validator(self._sub_elem, out_dict, value) return out_dict